Friday, 30 May 2008


As part of our Inquiry learning unit ‘Our Connections’ we have been looking at our family treasures. Josephine invited her parents in to show room 13 a Sasa. This is a traditional Samoan group dance performed both sitting and standing. Clapping and hand movements are used to depict activities taken from every day life. We all had a lot of fun learning the Sasa.
Thanks to Eric, Sasha and Josephine for sharing this with us.

Tuesday, 27 May 2008


Last term our syndicate completed an Inquiry learning unit called Central Rocks!
Our task was to make a display to show our community what Nelson Central School means to us. This is our quilt.

We interviewed people who used to go to Nelson Central School to find out what the school meant to them when they were there.

We talked about what Nelson Central School means to us. We thought about what we like here, what we think is important and what is special about our school.

Everybody in Room 13 designed a picture that we painted onto material. Helen and her mum put the quilt together in the holidays.

We think it looks fantastic.

Thursday, 15 May 2008


Room 13 have been thinking about what Autumn means to them. We have used lots of adjectives to describe Autumn.

Autumn feels like crunchy leaves in my hand.
Autumn looks like pretty leaves falling from the trees.
Autumn sounds like whistling of the wind in the leaves on the trees.
But it is COLD. Brrrrrr.
By Isobel

Autumn feels like slipping on warm and fluffy cosy slippers.
The leaves feel like sharp things under your bare feet.
Autumn feels like putting on my warm pink fluffy dressing gown.
Autumn feels like sitting by a blazing fire.
Autumn looks colourful and pretty.
The leaves look like orange and red and brown stars.
Autumn sounds like crunching leaves.
Autumn sounds like somebody whistling when the wind blows through the trees.
By Josephine

Autumn feels like hot steaming Milo in the morning.
It is cold and freezing while you wait.
Autumn looks like really colourful leaves falling from the trees.
Autumn sounds like extremely heavy rain on the roof.
Autumn sounds extremely crunchy when you stand on a leaf pile.
By Callum

Autumn feels like leathery leaves and spiky leaves in front of my eyes.
Autumn looks like stalky leaves gliding, grenading like an army.
Autumn sounds like leaves on the roof while I’m asleep.
Autumn sounds like the crackling of the fire when Bella is by it.
By Max

You can read more of our writing by clicking on the link to Room 13 writing 2008