Room 13 did very well at the recent Nelson Schools Science Fair. Our entry 'How Disposable Are They?' gained an Education for Sustainablility Award: 3rd place. Our project investigated how long different types of disposable plates took to biodegrade. We buried some plastic, paper and potato plates and observed their changes over a period of time. It was very interesting to observe:
The potato plate took 7 weeks to completely biodegrade, the paper plate had changed quite a lot in 8 weeks, and the plastic plate hadn't changed at all! We think people should not use plastic plates if they are just going to throw them away - they will never break down in the landfill.
On Thursday the 11th of October we went in Helen’s car to the Nelson Science Fair prizegiving. We had to go to the hall in Richmond School. When we walked up to get the certificate Helen took two pictures of us and when we were getting the prize. Then we got back in Helen’s car and then we went back home.
By Isabelle and Hannah