What do you think?

I think fireworks should not be banned because they are cool and awesome and fun to watch. The sparklers are cool and we should keep them as well. They light up the sky really, really well. I reckon you should be 18 or over that age to buy fireworks. It is not dangerous because we only have them twice a year on Guy Fawkes and New Years. We like to celebrate with fireworks. My family watches them every year because we like fireworks. That’s why I think we should have fireworks.
by David
I think fireworks should be banned. Fireworks should be banned because they can really, really, really, really, really, really hurt people. People could get hit in the face and die. Babies and animals might be scared by fireworks because they can be scared by the noisy fireworks. One day I heard in the news that a baby was in a pram and a firework hit the baby. That’s why I think fireworks should be banned.
By Rohan
1 comment:
Hello Room 13
It is really good to see you debating a very important subject. Here is something for you to think about:
The average New Zealander doesn't have easy access to guns and other firearms – they are controlled by law; you need a licence to get one, and misusing a rifle will get you into serious trouble. However, once a year (at Guy Fawkes) people can buy dangerous ‘firearms’ in the form of fireworks and they don't need a licence to do so!
Celebrating Guy Fawkes doesn’t make much sense when you consider how many more homes are damaged or destroyed, animals and people injured or killed and property destroyed each year.
We try to get people acting responsibly; we ban aerosol paint cans so they can't graffiti our walls; and, the police can take away the cars of ‘boy racers’ so they can't harm themselves or others. There are calls every year to raise both the drinking age and the driving age to protect people yet we continue to allow the sale of fireworks for Guy Fawkes when people can go out and cause harm to themselves and others! Why?
Dr Potaka
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