Friday, 4 April 2008

Animals come to visit

Goats, dogs and a piglet!
Rosie the piglet
Mia and Netanya walking a goat
Omar and Quade with Jazz
Dear Marguerite,
Thank you so much for bringing the animals in to show us. My favourite was Jazz because she looked so cute and she was as soft as a fluffy blanket. It was the best day of my life. I hope you can come again.
From Paige

Dear Marguerite,
Thank you so much for bringing your animals in. It really was a special day. My favourite animal was the white dog because she was cute and she sat on my knee. I really liked walking Milo the goat. I also liked Jazz as well. I really appreciate you coming. Rosie was a cute pig. It was a really cool day!!!
From Josephine


Michael said...

cool pictures.
my sister paige is in this room.


Anonymous said...

Hi Room 13, I just checked out your blog. I haven't seen it in a while and it's looking really good! You have been doing some really cool stuff.
See you all soon, from Josephine's Mum.