Friday, 17 October 2008


Room 13 had a wonderful time at camp - a fantastic start to Term 4. A huge thank you to all of the parents that made this camp possible. Please take the time to look at some of the photos of our adventures! Thanks to Isobel and Aimee for making a great slideshow.

Dear Paul,
Thank you for taking us to camp and thank you for staying at camp too. My favourite activity was the mini jeep because it goes really fast. My other favourite activity was the trampoline because it is so powerful and I jumped so high. The very hard thing about camp was the confidence course but everything else was fun.
From Daniel

Dear Dad,
Thank you for taking me to camp at Teapot Valley. It was really fun. I hope you had a great time at camp. One of my favourite activities was the mini jeep, I was really good at it. When I jumped into the pool it was freezing so I got out and had a warm shower. After dinner we had the camp concert and I liked it. I can't wait until next year.
From Louie


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