Well, the end of the term is here. Room 13 has had a GREAT start to the school year. We have been on some neat trips -including a virtual field trip to Goat Island Marine Reserve to learn about the Rocky Shore. A lot of wonderful work has been produced and some fantastic learning achieved. Have a relaxing break and see you all back here next term. Feel free to leave a comment on the blog so we can catch up with each other over the holiday break. Ka kite ano.
The photos are of Room13 children working on the Alphasmart portable word processors. We use these to publish some of our written work for our wall display or books. Come in and have a look at some of our super writing!
Hello R13
You look like a very busy, focused and well behaved group of children. I am sure your teacher enjoys teaching you.
Dr Potaka
I had to reply to such a lovely comment - Room 13 is a wonderful class to teach and learn in. Thank you for your positive feedback.
Happy Easter Holidays Room 13! Nice blog, cool word processors. According to Bryn the Stalbie Club rules...!?! Phil annd Becky
Dear Helen and Room 13 friends,
Hope things are going well in New Zealand and you are enjoying the holidays. Hope you got lots of Easter eggs. I am in Taunton now staying with my cousins. They went back to school today but I am not going until next week when I will have a day in Iwan's class and I will be on my spy mission. Thank you for the e-mail. I will reply soon. See you in two weeks.
Love from Jamie
Hello again. My first ever wobbly tooth has fallen out this morning. From Jamie
Hi Jamie,
Thank you for the great emails. It sounds like you are having a lovely time in the UK. Isn't it exciting that our Kiwi Travelbug is about to be released? I can't wait to see how far it gets! Catch up with you again soon.
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