Room 14 had a wasp nest in their ceiling! This meant that on a wild and stormy Wednesday this week all of the Room 14 children came to our classroom for the morning. It was a bit of a squash but we did some great work using ‘Thinker’s Keys’. We came up with 5 questions to describe something – it is like a riddle. Can you guess what we are describing?
What animal has big eyes?
What animal sleeps in the day?
What animal is nocturnal?
What animal has feathers?
What animal lives in the trees?
By Jamie, Leo and Liam
What likes to eat bananas?
What likes to swing on trees?
What has a long tail?
What male pokes out his tongue to attract females?
What has 2 arms and 2 legs?
What makes silly noises?
What looks a little bit like people?
By Anne, Paige and Shayden
What can really hurt when it stings you?
What has small wings to fly with?
What lives in Room 14’s ceiling?
What is small and has 6 legs?
What has black and yellow stripes?
By David , Devon and Jackson
What lived 65 million years ago?
What could really scare you?
What could eat a human?
What has big sharp teeth?
Who is the King of the reptiles?
By Caleb, Joseph, Jordan and Troy
What is something which goes “BOOM!”?
What does the Army drive?
What is bullet proof?
What is big?
By Fenn, Bryn and Dylan
What has two wings?
What says “quack”?
What lives on the water?
What swims?
What eats bread?
By Hannah, Amy and Ashley
What is something that blows?
What makes leaves fall off trees?
What can blow paper?
What can be very strong?
What sometimes goes with rain?
By Grace, Tracey and Ryan
Write an answer in the 'Comments' section if you work it out!
1 comment:
I love the riddles you have written - they really made me think!
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